it beats the hell out of doing laundry

Friday, April 07, 2006

gimme your opinions

i have no time to really blog, but wanted to see what ya'll thought about something. 60 bugs is grooving along, and in my plotting for the future have thought about doing adult shirts. is that something you think would sell? would you buy one? i may stitch some up for the groovy craft fair i'm going to be in coming up, but we'll see if i even have time do all the core kiddie stuff i want to do! ugh. i'm stitching up a saucy roller derby shirt for my pal stacey who started the memphis rock-n-romp, and i'm really enjoying it, so that's also why i'm thinking about doing shirts for big people. i'm actually hoping that when she wears it the other roller derby chicks will want me to make one for them! how cool would that be?? anyway, thoughts would be appreciated!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think they would sell, this stuff is ultra-cooool. Unlike me for saying ultra-cooool :) I don't shop for myself anymore, sadly, so I personally enjoy just baby stuff. You will probably get a good idea of how they'd sell from the craft fair. And if it brings you happiness then do it. You can set up a little booth at RnR :)

The one I bought for the baby shower gift is for my friend who is the coach of a Charm City Roller Derby team, she was on it but got pregnant so hopefully she spreads the word to Baltimore derby girls. And at the shower will be several other roller may take the roller nation by storm w/your bad self.

That's so amazing your biz is doing so well. I'm so happy for you. So many small crafty biz have a hard time getting off the ground. I was talking to Sloth about how impressed I am w/60 bugs and wondering how the heck you have time to stitch all this stuff up! I see a little sweat shop slave in your future ;) I decided I am going to open an online store in the not so distant future and I'd love to carry 60 bugs but I'm thinking you are doing just fine w/out my store! I'll need to get some marketing tips from you but so far it seems like your stuff is so cool it's mainly word of mouth!

8:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would totally love if you had adult shirts. I would wear them with pride.

10:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dianne thinks you can sell to gardeners -- flower designs on shirts good for gardening.

jonathan thinks you should do some Nats shirts -- specifically, you could do some trashy looking "NATSy Girl" shirts.

10:48 PM


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