it beats the hell out of doing laundry

Thursday, February 23, 2006

you've got to be fucking kidding me

because i am a dumbass, i do not carry a wallet. i am a cash-and-debit-card-and-license-in-the-pocket kinda gal. however, i do not like to accumulate coinage in my pockets -- so unflatteringly bulky, don't you think? i usually dump it in my jacket pockets or whatever bag i'm carrying. yes, i carry a purse pretty much everywhere but do not use it to hold a wallet. or a change purse, obviously, seeing as how the change swims freely about the bottom of the bag. i dump the change in the bag and i forget about it. in addition to being a purse-carrying-but-not-wallet-carrying kinda gal, i'm also an accessory whore. i have multiple purses. lots of purses. TOO MANY purses. and i like to switch them up, 'cause i'm cute like that. so this means that there are pools of change swimming around in the bottoms of LOTS of purses. you want to know where i'm going with this, don't you? okay, i'll cut to the chase. this month has been the official We Are On A Budget And We Are Going To Stick To It, GODDAMMIT, Or I Will Throttle You, You Overspending Shopaholic Bitch month. it has been difficult. very, VERY difficult. it has pushed my OCD to the limit, as i have started to feel like i'm suffocating when i have to calculate the total of the purchases in the shopping cart, and whether we really need those cookies. of course we need those cookies, dammit! we'll buy lightbulbs next month! anyway, today i spied a bunch of change in one of my bags and thought, "wow. i am going to go through all the bags and all the change bowls/receptacles around the house (dave uses bowls or cups to collect his ever-increasing collection of change), and see what i come up with!" wanna know what i came up with? do ya?? i'll tell you! CLOSE TO ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS IN QUARTERS AND DIMES AND NICKELS. and there are still a gazillion pennies to be counted! is that insane, or what? but the more important question: what to spend it on?? heh.


Blogger Chair said...

For a long time we've been throwing all of our change into bowls which I perodically dump into a big ass glass jar. At one point when the jar was full and we sat on the bed for two hours rolling and counting it we had over $250!! It payed for most of our camera.

2:39 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Pretty cool! That's a major score for you!! Last year we went though a big 5 gallon jug that had change in it and counted all of that. Then my parents showed up with two bottles of quarters and dimes. These 3 totals came to just over $700. We had all been putting it away for my son for college. He was very appreciative. So...what ARE you going to spend it on?

7:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

deb! now listen, as this is very important... do you have any state quarters in there? because if you have any rare ones, you can turn those buddies around for, like, a buck fifty apiece (no, I am not joking. this amazing fact is true, and could make you rich)

how do i know such a sad thing? (don't tell anyone, but my old man collects state quarters. it is my cross to bear).

3:13 PM

Blogger debbie said...

whoa, rare state quarters?? how do i find out which ones are worth anything? i must investigate! thanks for the tip, gingajoy! are there any states your hub needs?

not sure what to do with the loot yet. it doesn't seem real (spendable) until it's in the bank or in paper form, you know?

10:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

deb, thanks! let me give you a glimpse into my sad life on this one. i literally *just had* this conversation via AIM with him:

hubs: hey, keep your eyes open for a 2005 West Virginia-D state quarter. nobody has 'em
[14:21] hubs: i went to two coin dealers
[14:21] hubs: and i don't feel like paying $15.95 for a roll of them
[14:22] me: hahah
[14:22] me: ok, will do
[14:22] me: (but i might just sell that mother)
[14:22] hubs: i also need a 2006 Nevada-D, and a 2006 Nebraska D and P

3:01 PM


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