it beats the hell out of doing laundry

Saturday, May 27, 2006

we went insane when we took cocaine

WTF? this is why i should not be allowed to have an iPod, people. i will troll iTunes and find all the songs of my misguided youth and listen to them over and over, bypassing all the cool, new music i have also downloaded. i guess it was the summer of '81 or '82 when i would listen to "genius of love" over and over and OVER. it's a pretty great song, even now. clueless preteen me didn't even notice all the drug talk in the lyrics! oh who am i kidding, i barely pay attention to lyrics now. heh. i'm all about the instrumentation, dudes. speaking of which, i've had a serious hankering for taking up the drums lately. maybe bashing away will get rid of these sausage-like upper arms! but i digress....

so david took pity on his prehistoric technophobe wife and got me an iPod for mother's day. pretty sweet, eh? now i can listen to all my favorite songs from the 80s while looking all 21st century with white wires coming out of my ears! the last 5 songs that played in shuffle mode:

tom tom club - genius of love
yaz - don't go
fishbone - ugly
tears for fears - mad world
asia - heat of the moment

HA! did i just admit that i downloaded a FUCKING ASIA SONG??? dudes, i have no shame. you know, this could very well be someone's submission for paige's shittiest mixtape challenge which, by the way, you should all really enter. the winner will receive a totally awesome hand-stitched tee shirt made by ME, proclaiming them as the mixtape king or queen. whee! what have you got to lose??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUDE! I can't believe I never thought of this! I am downloading the Tom Tom Club's greatest hits like ASAP!

4:28 PM


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