it beats the hell out of doing laundry

Friday, August 19, 2005

good news first

nate took three completely unassisted steps today. THREE. i had my back turned, but dave saw it. this makes me so happy that i don't even care that i missed it.

the bad news isn't really news, exactly, it's more like stuff that doesn't make me feel good? does that make sense? i was in the basement earlier working on the excavation effort to find things for our massive yard sale and i came across a giant box of clothes. a giant box of my clothes. a giant box of my clothes that i love and would love to wear if i could just squeeze my ass into single-digit sizes. SIGH. then i found a few different batches of jack's old clothes separated by size. man, he's not even 5 and the kid has gone through so many wardrobes already! i found 18-24 month stuff, 2T stuff and 3T stuff. the bizarre thing i noticed while sorting through the pieces is how similar his current wardrobe is to what he's worn in the past -- freakishly so! it would seem that i have some weird predilection for dark and stonewashed jeans, heather grey long sleeve t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, cargo pants and anything (Ts, sweats, pants) in shades of army green and camouflage. seriously, there was basically one of everything off that list in each size. I AM A FREAK. heh. i'm not quite sure what to make of this compulsion! i guess i just really really like those things? i dunno. i've always tended to stray away from the really bright and colorful children's clothing, preferring to dress him like a little person rather than a little kid, and that definitely limits the choices. oh god. even worse, i just realized that i tend to buy dave the same kinds of things! heh. what can i say? i like my boys to look like indie-rockers!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, you like what you like and that's okay.

7:00 AM


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