you've got to be fucking kidding me
so i had to jump on the hot topic website, and what should i find? creepers for toddlers?? i'm all for alterna-wear for the kiddies, but come on! do people really still wear creepers? yikes.
it beats the hell out of doing laundry
so i had to jump on the hot topic website, and what should i find? creepers for toddlers?? i'm all for alterna-wear for the kiddies, but come on! do people really still wear creepers? yikes.
1. my mom has not lost her touch at the guilt. i learned all my guilt tactics from her -- she's quite the master! what is it about asian women that makes them this way?? seriously, when i was growing up she took every opportunity to get all joy luck club on my ass. ugh. but it seemed like she was mellowing in her golden years. that is, until i called her from the park yesterday.
i've learned that jack is way more adventurous than i give him credit for. now this is the kid who has been uber-cautious since the day he was born -- irritatingly so! getting him to try anything new or even slightly scary-looking is usually impossible. he's the kid who shows up at the open gym and hangs back and observes all the other kids flailing themselves from ropeswings and bouncing like maniacs on trampolines for 45 minutes THEN decides it's okay to try something. this would be fine if open gym didn't last ONE HOUR. anyway, whenever we find out about something kid-oriented happening around town (circus, carnival, show, etc), we have to do a little song-and-dance to convince him it's something worth doing. then he changes his mind about 50 damn times. i know kids can be indecisive, but sometimes i think his indecision is a serious problem! i think he wants to try new things but is truly afraid. this worries me and makes me sad, because i wonder if i've done this to him. i mean, he was our first, and we were definitely the freakish first-timers watching his every move and never letting him do anything with any pain-potential. yep, more guilt for the pile. but after yesterday, i think he's slowly coming out of his shell.
i get home after a long day of theme-parking and find an email from the medications saying that they "are definitely into participating" in my little concert series! for those who might not know who they are, they're the same members of the defunct dischord band faraquet. anyway, on a whim i invited them to play Rock-n-Romp this summer, not really expecting to hear back from a band on a famous record label that just got finished TOURING JAPAN. but i've been getting some flakiness from bands this year, so thought 'what the hell?' what the hell, indeed! while i think it will be totally awesome if they are able to play, i'm not going to hold my breath. i've learned from past experience that, while their intentions are good in wanting to play, big names always have something bigger going on. but i am happy to know that there are somewhat famous musicians who think the idea of playing Rock-n-Romp is great, and take the time to say so. so now i will wait and hope it works out. maybe they can play with eyeball skeleton! hee!
in looking at my recent entries it has become clear to me that i use exclamation points excessively!
i've been putting off writing something about my latest obsession because, well, it's a little embarrassing. okay, i'll just say it: i am addicted to gilmore girls. before tivo, i'd seen a few episodes and enjoyed them, but never had the chance to watch it regularly. shit, before tivo i never got to watch anything regularly. but now! now, tivo, my enabler, has allowed me to watch all the gilmore girls i can stand! and, believe me, that's a LOT! first, i get to watch the current season's episodes, tuesdays at 8 on the WB. then i get to watch the reruns (shown in chronological order), daily at 5 on ABC family channel. THEN, ABC family channel has 3-episode marathons, saturdays at 7! yes, i watch them all. unless i'm going out, i tend to watch the marathons in realtime. dave really loves that. heh. now the fact that all of these episodes are from different seasons is of no importance to me. i like seeing what happened in the 3rd season that now causes tension between certain characters in the 5th season! old boyfriends and fiances, business ventures, family strife, graduations, weddings, babies -- i want to see it all! i just recently watched the episodes guest starring grant lee phillips as a wandering troubadour -- i believe from the first or second season. i may be a dork, but i think this is cool! actually, most all of the music featured on the show is cool. i guess that's part of the reason i like it, but it's still a little embarrassing to admit i'm addicted to a WB show. isn't the WB for freakin' teenagers?? fans of dawson's creek and that superman-when-he-was-a-teenager show??
in yet another "god, it's such a small world!" episode in my life, i have just reconnected with someone i knew in high school. these episodes never fail to freak me out, because they drive home the point that life is so fucking random, and i don't like that. my OCD does not like that. but i DO like finding out that someone i used to know is still very cool and talented! so here's how it happened:
so this whole blogging thing is funny to me. let me tell you, i am in no way a computer-savvy person. trying to figure out anything more technologically advanced than a digital alarm clock gives me a headache. i am SO not kidding. while i like to think of it as one of my quirky charms, dave likes to think that it's my way of torturing him and making him deal with anything attached to a plug. heh. but he knows how backward i am when it comes to the digital age! when dave and i met he asked for my email and i wasn't even embarrassed to admit that i didn't have one. i didn't have a computer, either! so my point is, it's funny how i have become part of this blogworld. i feel so out of the loop reading all these other blogs i never would've known about! like, where the hell have i been??
worse than feeling like utter crap? worse than knowing that the reason i feel like utter crap is because my filthy nephews are so damn FILTHY? worse than having to squelch my innate desire to curl up in a ball on the couch in my pajamas and watch really bad television until i feel better because i have two children to take care of, and they REFUSE to watch a marathon of E! True Hollywood Story??? i'll tell you what's worse: knowing that no matter how much i disinfect, wash my hands until they crack and bleed, do everything to contain my germs short of wear a surgical mask, natey WILL get sick. and he WILL be miserable. and this weekend WILL be fucked. DAMN IT ALL. why is it always on the weekend??
i've been reading a lot and hearing a lot about it -- how can you not? --and i just have two words for you: ADVANCE DIRECTIVE. get one. i know it's hard to imagine that you could be involved in this kind of mess, but it's best to be prepared.
not only have i contracted whatever filthy virus the nephews hacked up all over the house, but jack starts spring break today and is bouncing off the walls and generally getting on my fucking nerves. not to mention the fact that i am now listening to the incessant wailing of a one year old who doesn't want to take a nap but needs to and WILL, god dammit! ugh.
tim keegan & departure lounge - (we've got) everything we need
because i can't stop myself from laughing when jack repeats something i've said but inserts "peepee" or "poopoo" in place of the verb. oh, to be 4 and get away with that kind of inanity.
dave didn't like my posting that i would abandon him to visit ireland. is it really so wrong to want to get away, even if it's by myself?? hmph!
my oldest friend lucia made it to natey's party this weekend. i have known her 20 years. 20 years! she's my oldest friend, for sure. it was really good to see her because we don't see much of each other anymore. before jack was born we were practically living across the street from each other in now hipper-than-thou logan circle. but after the baby came, well, she and her husband kept living their newlywed, child-free existence while we became the parents-who-can-talk-of-nothing-but-the-baby. plus, we loaded up the truck and moved to suburbia after one too many run-ins with crazy homeless men while pushing the stroller down 14th street, so the distance didn't make it any easier to hang out.
i've been meaning to write this since you left 2 days ago, but i'm just now catching my breath from all the weekend's activities. it certainly was nice of you to travel 7+ hours in the minivan from charlotte with uber-religious-wife-who-doesn't-speak, almost-9-year-old-who-just-learned-to-tie-his-shoes and almost-5-year-old-who-still-wants-to-be-carried-around-like-a-baby-and-you-DO-IT for natey's first birthday party. i wish i could say i enjoyed the visit, but who are we kidding here? your brother thinks i'm kidding, but i am not. becuase of what transpired this past weekend, you are never allowed in this house again. in all honesty, you are the only one that i actually would allow in the house, but uber-religious-wife, almost-9-and-picks-his-nose and almost-5-and-looks-like-a-malnourished-2-year-old? uh-uh. i've seen some fucked up families in my time, but yours has got to be the most fucked. and the worst part is, you and uber-religious-wife have done this! your kids are maniacs and it is YOUR FAULT.
it seems like i never have time to go through all the pictures, so i did a little retrospective below to commemorate natey's first year. he's a handsome one, ain't he?
dear natey,
the replacements - can't hardly wait
thanks to julie for sending dave this link to sex offenders registered in maryland. these assholes live in my neighborhood. MY neighborhood!
pailhead - i will refuse
today dave tried out Gizoogle after seeing the post article about it. that snoop dogg! what'll that crazy kid do next?? heh. anyway, he gizoogled nate's name and came up with a blog! now natey, i don't mind if you're a nerd, but i hope when you grow up you can come up with something a little more interesting to write about than flat files and XML. i dunno, some drinking-til-you-puked stories or something! never forget where you came from! hee.
let me first start by saying i can't believe i've stuck to the diet for 4 days! but i think i'm being a little too rigid, and possibly not eating enough. and my fucking period is killing me! seriously, it's an incredible struggle to not consume mass quantities of food during this time of the month. so i cheated. i'm crampy and cranky and we're out with the boys and it's dinnertime. go home and make a salad or get a yummy-nummy, convenient and freshly prepared burrito??? hmmm. please! like i even had to think 2 seconds about it! i'm such a sucker for guacamole. it probably would've been okay if i'd foregone the cheese and sour cream and didn't eat the whole HUGE thing, but i say fuck it. and what's with the whole burrito bol thing? is a tortilla really that evil? as i'm sure you can guess, i did the burrito old-school, and ate every bit of the floury tortilla goodness. *sigh* carbs are my weakness.
who knew mick jagger had a clue?? it IS a drag getting old! now i haven't resorted to any little yellow pills, but i'm not opposed to the idea! heh. okay, if you don't know the song i'm talking about, well, you're too young. nyah!
i just got an email with the subject "The Next Harry Potter Cover Is Revealed". whee! behold Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
okay kids, bear with me. i know diet talk may not be too exciting but my OCD has made all this calorie-counting priority number one! heh. and i wonder how jack got his OCD tendencies. i'm sure the list of diet discoveries will grow, but what i've learned so far:
it's official, kids! today is the first day of my diet. it is a well-known fact that i am totally undisciplined, disorganized and lack willpower -- a perfect diet-failure candidate -- so the fact that i'm even attempting this is pretty miraculous. if i didn't have drawers full of cute clothes that didn't fit, i probably wouldn't bother, so much do i hate the idea of monitoring what i eat. but i hate what this second pregnancy has done to my body more! can you say spare tire?? ugh. and let's not even talk about my boobs! alas, breastfeeding was not kind to them. and what about my ass?? i have to admit, i used to have a pretty cute ass! but now it's, i dunno, different. like flat? or maybe it's just that the rest of me looks different, which makes my ass look different? whatever it is, i don't like it! *shudder* i want to wear my old clothes, not reinvent myself. i think i can do this.
dave chappelle (as r. kelly) - piss on you
edie sedgwick - molly ringwald
it's SO not working. i actually think i'm getting worse, like i've just developed fucking tourette's or something! oh, i've tried to come up with code like saying "eff that!" or "mofo" or calling someone a "bee" instead of bitch, but that's really not working either. and, i'll admit, not much better than saying the words themselves. today jack said, "baby starts with a B, and it's what my mom calls me sometimes, too." now i have to say, i don't remember EVER calling jack a bee (bitch)! maybe i said, "jack, quit acting like a little bee!", or something along those lines. oh my god, i am so going to hell.
2 cups coffee
i found out about this bill proposal to outlaw circumcision from my friend pamela. ay-yi-yi, like i don't have enough to feel guilty about?? while i agree that it's not a necessary procedure, i don't buy that having it done will negatively affect a newborn's developing brain! or that it will cause them psychological trauma that will affect them when they grow up! *sigh* i feel like i'm making excuses, which is not what i'm trying to do, so let me just tell you my story:
james kochalka superstar - hockey monkey
don't those montgomery county fuckers know that getting jack to school at 10:30 is going to be hell because natey will be taking a nap??? bastards.